Monday, January 24, 2011

Growing Pains

I wanted to share something God has laid upon my heart lately, and I've really struggled with this for a long time...and I have by no means "arrived there" yet,  so this post comes from a heart that is diligently seeking to become more Christ like.

Being a mom is not easy...( I am sure that's no new news for you, but yep. living and I appreciate my own mother so much more now that I am a mother myself!)

I sincerely struggle sometimes...sometimes I just don't know what to do! And...that's where I have struggled most...I always turn to the wrong place for answers, and I know God wants me to turn to Him for answers.

 I have to admit, I have struggled so much trying to have regular devotions, It' just so hard for me to do..I would try for a couple of days and then stop and all this just added to my after day of frustration and  also bad use of my time... (we'll get to that soon!).

I am so thankful that God never gives up on us. He's instilled in me a deeper love for Him, and because of this, I have had the strength to make some life changing decisions. I have been enjoying a wonderful relationship with Him...seeking strength and answers from Him! It's truly been wonderful, and I feel like I am growing in Him, rooted in His Word! I also started a prayer journal and it's truly been a wonderful experience and it's amazing to see God answering every little request I have made! HE is truly a wonderful guide, the Counselor and Mighty God! I am so excited to continue my journey in His Word! I know it's not  by my strength, but His!

Another thing I have really struggled with is using my time wisely. It's so easy to spend the day on the computer or in a project that really is not that important...and after I began having a deeper relationship with God, He showed me what I needed to do about this, and I have to admit, I was a little reluctant at first...It just seemed too drastic...but after much thought and prayers, I obeyed...and what sweet peace it's brought to my heart! The things I thought I could not live without...I feel free from...It's amazing...truly wonderful!

I am able to get so much more done now...and at the end of the day, I feel so content and accomplished! What a blessing this has been! It seems like I have more time on my hands now...I am able to get all my work done, I have time for my lil' prince, for the big prince when he's home...I have time for other projects, for reading, and I really don't know how in the world that is possible, because a couple of weeks ago, it took me all day to do some of the things I needed to do and I would always be so frustrated because I had not done half of what I needed to do... what a blessed change God has brought to my life! I am eternally grateful for His leading!

So, this is what I wanted to share with you...and I hope you don't think I am trying to be "spiritual", I am not. at all...and as I mentioned before, I have by no means "arrived there", neither do I think I am perfect...this is just something that God has been working in my life about, and I wanted to share with you can pray for me as I begin this amazing journey to become more Christlike!

From a heart overflowing with gratitude,



Alisha said...

Thanks for posting your struggles. I often struggle with the same things and your post really encouraged me! Love you!

LeAnna said...

This is a great post. Isn't it amazing how much closer we can grow to our own Mom's when we become mothers? I now feel the things she told me I would one day feel. Being a Mom is hard, it's a dying to self. It requires a lot of grace. I'm so thankful His mercies are new every morning!