Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Thankful to be a mommy!

3 years ago yesterday, our first precious baby was born into heaven!!! How we miss you, darling baby!!
Although the pain has subsided some, it's still there.
Yes, I still cry.
I cried yesterday and the day before my birthday. Seems like important dates like this bring the tears.
I am so thankful the Lord blessed us with another little one. I can't imagine how much more painful it would be with empty arms!

The little prince has filled our life with laughter & happiness! I really can't imagine what life would be like without him!

Thank-you Lord for the privilege of being a mommy! My life would sure be bored without this precious little toddler to make me laugh!!!

To our unborn baby,

I wish I could have held you, darling and told you how much I love you. I still think on you all the time and I can't wait to meet you in heaven someday!! What a precious meeting that will be! I know you're well taken care of...better than your daddy and I could ever take care of you...and I take comfort in knowing you're safe! In the few months you were with us, you brought us much joy and we love you, darling one!
All my love,

Rejoicing that HE makes no mistakes,


Treasures from a shoebox said...

I was thinking about this yesterday when I noticed your Angel Baby ticker in the side bar. Losing a baby is an experience we never forget, though time does lesson the pain. I have 6 treasures waiting in heaven. I agree; what a glorious meeting that will be when I finally get to hold them in my arms! {{hugs}}

Unknown said...

Thank-you, Mrs.Long! It just makes us homesick for heaven, doesn't it?!?! Have a wonderful day!