Tuesday, March 27, 2012

A Blessed Legacy

Hello! I'm actually posting again... (sheepish grin)

And I won't bombard you with my whole lists of excuses..  umm...okay?!

It's been a blessing to have my grandfather visiting for the the last couple of months. My grandfather worked as a missionary here in Brazil for over 40 years. He was one of the first missionaries to come to our city. I have such great respect for him and he's always such a blessing to me...and just for the record, he's the best grandfather a girl could ever have. I am extremely thankful for the Godly example he has left for the next generations to come and I am thankful that my son has the privilege of being around his great-grandfather for  a while! What a blessing it is to have such Godly heritage!
My Grandfather is one of my modern day heroes. The ones who know our family history, are aware of the many valleys our family...especially my grandfather have been through.
This man gave years of his life to serve the Lord in Brazil.
My grandfather, mother, prince & I
My grandmother, gave her life serving the Lord here. She contracted a disease here while working in the Amazon and went to be home with Jesus in 1995 leaving a huge void in our lives.
My grandmother, MD.

I am forever grateful for the wonderful legacy my grandparents have left for us. I know they would do it all over again... the many joys, many souls, many blessing obtained through their ministry far outweigh the trials    and sacrifices made.

As my grandfather prepares to return home to the US, our heart are filled with gratefulness for his life. Extremely grateful for his testimony of love and faith.
Extremely burdened to be more like Jesus and to follow the example of my amazing grandparents.
Extremely longing that my son will follow the footsteps of his great-grandfather.

"The steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord, and he delights in his way." Psalm 37:23


Kathryn Anderson said...
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Kathryn Anderson said...

I love this beautiful tribute to your grandfather. Families are really such a blessing from Heavenly Father, especially as we can look to them as examples.

Thank you for sharing.

Have a blessed day.