Wednesday, September 22, 2010

About being Thankful

I don't know about you, but sometimes I find myself so carried away in my own little world, worried about so many things, about people around me, and it is so easy to concentrate on all the problems and difficulty and forget about the many blessings the LORD has bestowed on us! I am so ungrateful sometimes! 
 This week has been one of those weeks....everything seems to be going on at the same time...when it rains it pours. I have been feeling overwhelmed!  One of the many things I am thankful for today is this FAN! Yes, I know it's not the best, but I am so thankful for it! This week our only fan ( pictured at the left) you can imagine being without a fan in our kind of weather, yes, it is close to unberable! I am so thankful my husband was able to get it fixed and we can sleep tonight cooled off with our wonderful fan! What a blessing! Thank-you Lord for FANS! After we got our fan fixed, guess what broke next?!?!  The REFRIGERATOR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We still haven't gotten that fixed, but my hardworking and amazing Mr.Fix-it-all is going to get it fixed tomorrow! Whew! Sometimes we take things for granted and forget to thank the Lord for these apparently "small" things but  things that make a world of difference!  I was in church tonight and the message preached was just what I needed to hear! I was convicted of my sin of being ungrateful! The Lord is so good to me and I know I am so undeserving of all HE has done for me! What a JOY it is to serve the Lord!
I am so thankful for my sweet and loving husband....he is such a blessing and encouragement to me. I love him more every day! I am also thankful for or son, he has brought so much joy to our lives!  When I start looking at all I have to thankful for, it far outweighs all the minor problems that arise!

       Just some thoughts from a hear overflowing with gratefulness!



Treasures from a shoebox said...

I really enjoyed this post and am going to share it on my FB page. Thanks for sharing, Jessica! Gratefulness makes all the difference, doesn't it?

Unknown said...

Thank-you Mrs.Long! Gratefulness changes everything :)